Seasonal home and yard preparation after winter in Calgary and Edmonton.

Seasonal home and yard preparation after winter in Calgary and Edmonton.

As the winter season in Calgary and Edmonton comes to an end, it's time to start thinking about getting your home and yard ready for the spring and summer months. Here are some tips for seasonal home and yard preparation after winter in Calgary and Edmonton.2

Check your roof

  1. The winter months can take a toll on your roof, especially in areas that experience heavy snowfall. Check your roof for any damage or leaks that may have occurred during the winter. Look for missing or damaged shingles, and make sure that your gutters are clear of debris.

Inspect your windows and doors

  1. Cold weather can cause windows and doors to warp, making them difficult to open and close. Check all of your windows and doors for any damage, and make sure that they are functioning properly. This will help keep your home energy-efficient and prevent drafts.

Clean your gutters

  1. Winter weather can cause a buildup of debris in your gutters, which can lead to clogs and water damage. Clean out your gutters to prevent any potential damage.

Prepare your lawn

  1. After a long winter, your lawn may be in need of some attention. Rake away any dead leaves or debris, and apply fertilizer to help promote healthy growth. This is also a good time to aerate your lawn to help improve drainage and root growth.

Trim your trees and shrubs

  1. Trimming your trees and shrubs can help promote healthy growth and prevent damage from heavy snow and ice. Remove any dead or damaged branches, and prune back overgrown areas.

Clean and repair outdoor furniture

  1. Get your outdoor furniture ready for the warmer months by cleaning it and making any necessary repairs. This will help extend the life of your furniture and make it more comfortable to use.

Check your air conditioning unit

  1. Before the temperatures start to rise, make sure that your air conditioning unit is in good working order. Clean or replace your air filters, and have your unit serviced if necessary.

By following these tips for seasonal home and yard preparation after winter in Calgary and Edmonton, you can ensure that your home is ready for the warmer months ahead.